Acronym...stands for
ADASSAssociation of Directors of Adult Social Care
ASCOFAdult Social Care Outcomes Framework
ASCOTAdult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (see
ASCSAdult Social Care Survey
CASSRCouncil with adult social service responsibilities
CCGClinical Commissioning Group
CESCarers’ experience survey (see PSS SACE)
CQCCare Quality Commission
CRBCriminal Records Bureau (now DBS)
CSRIClient Service Receipt Inventory
DA codeDepartmental analysis code (to allocate a financial transaction to an activity within a project)
DA costDirectly allocated cost (ie a project overhead)
DBSDisclosure and Barring Service
DHDepartment of Health
DI costDirectly incurred cost (ie researcher salaries, travel & subsistence budgeted for in a project)
DSAsData sharing agreements
EACElderly Accomodation Counsel
EQ-5DEuropean Quality of Life - 5 Dimensions
ESHCRUEconomics of Social and Health Care Research (see
EXCELExploring Comparative Effectiveness and efficiency in Long-term care
FECFull economic cost
FTEFull time equivalent
HS&DRHealth Service & Delivery Research
HSCIC or ICHealth & Social Care Information Centre
IBIndividual budget
IIASCIdentifying the impact of adult social care
IPCIntegrated Personal Commissioning
ITTInvitation to tender
KARKent Academic Repository
KRIMSONKent Research & Innovation Management System On-line
LSELondon School of Economics and Political Science
LTCLong-term care
LTCQLong-term care questionnaire (being developed by QORU Oxford colleagues)
MAXMaximising the value of survey data in adult social care
MOOCHMeasuring outcomes of care homes
MOPSUMeasuring outcomes for public service users (a previous project)
MRCMedical Research Council
NHSNational Health Service
NICENational Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NIHRNational Institute for Health Research
NORFACENew Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe (see
NRECNational Health Service Research Ethics Committee
OAOpen access
OPOlder people
OSCAOutcomes of social care for adults (a previous project)
PAGProject advisory group
PCTPrimary care trust
PHBE (pronounced Phoebe)Personal health budgets evaluation
PIIGPublic involvement implementation group
PIRUPolicy Innovation Research Unit
PPIPublic and patient involvement
PROMPatient-Reported Outcome Measure
P(D)SIPhysical disability or sensory impairment
PSS SACEPersonal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England (also referred to as the CES, Carers’ Survey or SACE, Survey of Adult Carers in England)
PSSRUPersonal Social Services Research Unit
PWLD or PWIDPeople with learning difficulties or people with intellectual disabilities
OFOutcomes Framework (see ASCOF)
QALYQuality of life-adjusted year
QMFQuality measurement framework (a previous project, was renamed MOPSU)
QoLQuality of life
QORUQuality and Outcomes of person-centred care Research Unit (see
R&DResearch and Development
RECResearch Ethics Committee (see NREC and SCREC)
RGFResearch Governance Framework
RNFRelative Needs Formula
SCIESocial Care Institute for Excellence
SCRECSocial Care Research Ethics Committee
SCRQOLSocial care-related quality of life
SLiCEShared Lives Costs and Effectiveness
SSCRSchool for Social Care Research (see
SMG/SMTSenior management group/team (same thing)
SMIGSocial media implementation group
SSUSGSocial Services User Survey Group
TSIThird Sector Impact
UCUnit costs
UESUser experience survey