Sarah Birch

PPI Manager

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Research Interests

Sarah Birch is a Public Involvement and Engagement Manager at PSSRU within the University of Kent, supporting a variety of programmes including ‘Quality, Safety and Outcomes of Health and Social Care (QSO) Policy Research Unit’, ‘Unit Costs for Health and Social Care’ and 'The Benefits and Costs of Domiciliary care'. Sarah co-ordinates a nationwide research advisor network and works with members in our Public Involvement Strategy and Implementation Group (PISIG) and our Public Involvement Research Advisory Network (PIRAN) to ensure strategic and advisory patient and public involvement and engagement is embedded within the research unit. Sarah is also the Head of Public and Community Involvement for the REAL Supply Unit, which is a collaborative 7-year programme led by the University of York, researching the economics of Health and Social Care for the long term.

Sarah Birch's Publications