This is an ongoing randomised controlled trial of an estimated 480 dyads (people with early-stage dementia and carer pairs). The aim is to identify if goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation (ten sessions over 3 months followed by 4 maintenance sessions over 6 months) is effective and cost-effective for people with early-stage dementia and their carers. The protocol for the trial can be found here.
In this case, the CSRI, which may be found here, is administered via interview.
One of the features of this CSRI is the fact that it uses ‘signposting’, prompting researchers to skip particular sections if prior answers reveal redundancy. One common application of this relates to how questions about unpaid carer inputs are asked. Co-resident carers are directed to a question providing percentage bands for an average day, whereas carers not living with their care recipient are asked more simply for the hours of care per week they provide, since this is simpler for them to estimate.
This CSRI also makes use of cards, for example when requesting information on receipt of direct payments. This prompt requests that the researcher shows the respondent the definition of direct payments, in order to obtain an accurate figure.
The CSRI also includes an expanded carer section. One section, which has only recently been added, estimates the costs (including carer time) associated with helping the care recipient travel to reach the services they receive.