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Research Interests
Eva is a health economist working at the PSSRU. Her main research interests are the economics of prevention and promotion in mental health and children's services, the economic costs of childhood health and mental health problems, evaluation of services and interventions for children, young people and families, and methodological questions around estimating societal costs of mental health problems.
She has worked on a range of topics such as depression, eating disorders, youth justice and autism and with a variety of approaches including economic evaluations alongside clinical trials and economic modelling studies.
Much of her current work is related to the ‘Preventonomics' project, part of the Big Lottery Fund's ‘A Better Start' initiative.
Eva's Google Scholar profile can be accessed here.
Eva-Maria Bonin's Publications
Journal Articles
Journal Article
Could scale-up of parenting programmes improve child disruptive behaviour and reduce social inequalities? Using individual participant data meta-analysis to establish for whom programmes are effective and cost-effective (2017)
Gardner F, Leijten P, Mann J, Landau S, Harris V, Beecham J, Bonin E, Hutchings J, Scott S
Public Health Research
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Harnessing the power of individual participant data in a meta-analysis of the benefits and harms of the Incredible Years Parenting Program (2017)
Leijten P, Gardner F, Landau S, Harris V, Mann J, Hutchings J, Beecham J, Bonin E, Scott S
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
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Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: A Multi-Method Investigation Translating Experimental Neuroscience into Clinical Practice (2017)
Schmidt U, Sharpe H, Bartholdy, Bonin E, Davies H, Easter A, Goddard E, Hibbs R, House J, Keyes A, Knightsmith P, Koskina A, Magill N, McClelland, Micali N, Raenker S, Renwick B, Rhind C, Simic M, Sternheim L, Woerwag-Mehta S, Beecham J, Campbell I, Eisler I, Landau S, Ringwood S, Startup H, Tchanturia K, Treasure J
Programme Grants for Applied Research 5, 16
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Circles of Support and personalization: Exploring the economic case (2016)
Wistow G, Perkins M, Knapp M, Bauer A, Bonin E
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 20, 2, 194-207
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Two-year follow-up of the MOSAIC trial: a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing two psychological treatments in adult outpatients with broadly defined anorexia (2016)
Schmidt U, Ryan E, Bartholdy, Renwick B, Keyes A, O’Hara C, McClelland, Lose A, Kenyon M, DeJong H, Broadbent H, Loomes R, Serpell L, Richards L, Johnson-Sabine E, Boughton N, Whitehead L, Bonin E, Beecham J, Landau S, Treasure J
International Journal of Eating Disorders 49, 8, 793-800
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The Maudsley Outpatient Study of Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa and Related Conditions (MOSAIC): Comparison of the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA) with specialist supportive clinical management (SSCM) in outpatients with broadly defined anorexia nervosa: A randomized controlled trial (2015)
Schmidt U, Magill N, Renwick B, Keyes A, Kenyon M, DeJong H, Lose A, Broadbent H, Loomes R, Yasin H, Watson C, Ghelani S, Bonin E, Serpell L, Richards L, Johnson-Sabine E, Boughton N, Whitehead L, Beecham J, Treasure J, Landau S
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83, 4, 796-807
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Support for adoption placements: the first six months (2014)
Bonin E, Beecham J, Dance C, Farmer E
British Journal of Social Work 44, 6, 1508-1525
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One-day cognitive-behavioural therapy self-confidence workshops for people with depression: a randomised controlled trial (2014)
Horrell L, Goldsmith K, Tylee A, Schmidt U, Murphy C, Bonin E, Beecham J, Brown J
British Journal of Psychiatry 204, 3, 222-233
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Psycho-educational CBT-Insomnia workshops in the community. A cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial (2014)
Bonin E, Beecham J, Swift N, Raikundaliac S, Brown J
Behaviour Research and Therapy 55, 40-47
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Carers’ assessment, skills and information sharing: theoretical framework and trial protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a complex intervention for carers of inpatients with anorexia nervosa (2013)
Goddard E, Raenker S, Macdonald P, Todd G, Beecham J, Naumann U, Bonin E, Schmidt U, Landau S, Treasure J
European Eating Disorders Review 21, 1, 60-71
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Chronic and recurrent depression in primary care: socio-demographic features, morbidity, and costs (2012)
McMahon E, Buszewicz M, Griffin M, Beecham J, Bonin E, Rost F, Walters K, King M
International Journal of Family Medicine
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Costs and longer-term savings of parenting programmes for the prevention of persistent conduct disorder: a modelling study (2011)
Bonin E, Stevens M, Beecham J, Byford S, Parsonage M
BMC Public Health , 11:803
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Making the case for investing in suicide prevention interventions: estimating the economic impact of suicide and non-fatal self harm events (2010)
McDaid D, Bonin E, Park A, Hegerl U, Arensman E, Kopp M, Gusmao R
Injury Prevention 16
Read moreReports
Supporting Adoption and Supporting Families That Adopt: Value for Money (2013)
Bonin E, Lushey C, Blackmore J, Holmes L, Beecham J
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Population-level suicide awareness training and intervention (2011)
McDaid D, Park A, Bonin E
Department of Health
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Parenting interventions for the prevention of persistent conduct disorders (2011)
Bonin E, Stevens M, Beecham J, Byford S, Parsonage M
Department of Health
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Bridge safety measures for suicide prevention (2011)
Bonin E, McDaid D
Department of Health
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School-based social and emotional learning programmes to prevent conduct problems in childhood (2011)
Beecham J, Bonin E, Byford S, McDaid D, Mullally G, Parsonage M
Department of Health
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ProCEED: report of a study of proactive care by practice nurses for people with depression and anxiety (2011)
Buszewicz M, Griffin M, Beecham J, Bonin E, Hutson M
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Supporting Independence? Evaluation of the Teenage Parent Supported Housing Pilot - Final Report (Research Report DFE-RR158) (2011)
Quilgars D, Johnsen S, Pleace N, Beecham J, Bonin E
Department for Education
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