Evaluation of the Screen and Treat programme for people affected by the terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Paris and Brussels

Funded by the Department of Health, this evaluation aims to find out if the Screen and Treat programme for people affected by the terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Paris and Brussels is effective in helping people to recover. The results of the study will help to improve programmes responding to terrorist attacks, should similar events occur in the future.

To complete the consent form or questionnaire electronically, please download it and return the completed form(s) by email to e.cyhlarova@lse.ac.uk.

Cover letter (PDF)
Information sheet (PDF)

For further information please contact either of the main researchers on this project: Dr Eva Cyhlarova (e.cyhlarova@lse.ac.uk or 020 7107 5222) or Professor Martin Knapp (m.knapp@lse.ac.uk or 020 7955 6225).