Unit Costs in Criminal Justice
The report of the Unit Costs in Criminal Justice project funded by the Ministry of Justice (2007-2010) was published on 13 February by the research team from the Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Kent and the Centre for the Economics of Physical and Mental Health at King’s College London.
Read the report in full below. Pages 1 to 29 cover the overall costing approach and how the unit costs were developed. The Appendices from page 30 onwards detail the unit costs estimated.
The project was a first step in filling some of the gaps in establishing full economic costs of criminal justice activities. It provides:
- Estimation of full economic unit costs for a wide variety of custody-related activities, covering 16 accredited offending behaviour programmes and non-clinical services for substance misusers.
- A model for estimating prison accommodation and security costs.
- Unit cost estimates for a variety of Youth Offending Team practitioners.
- Illustrative estimates for externally provided interventions for young offenders.
- Exploration of cost variation.
- A transparent and flexible bottom-up approach which allows adaptation and up-dating for a variety of purposes.
For further information please contact: Nadia Brookes n.k.brookes@kent.ac.uk 01227 823807.