Unit Costs of Health and Social Care


The following schemas have been corrected or updated
since the printed version. Revised pages are marked
with a revision number at the foot of the page.

Date of change:
11 March 2010
Revision 001

Inflation indices: Table 2
Pay and Prices Index:
Year 2006/07 amended from 248.6 to 249.8
Year 2007/08 amended from255.8 to 257.0
Year 2008/09 amended from 267.0 (E) to 268.6 (E)

Annual percentage increases:
Year 2002/03 Price amended from 1.0 to 0.9
Year 2006/07 Pay amended from 3.4 to 4.1
Year 2008/09 Pay amended from 3.9 (E) to 4.1 (E)

We apologise for any inconvenience this error might have caused.

Date of change:
12 May 2010
Revision 002

Amendments to article SCIE’s work on economics and the importance of informal care:
Page 30,
4th paragraph, first two sentences and reference to unpaid care schema (page 102) deleted

Date of change:
12 May 2010
Revision 003

Amendments to article SCIE’s work on economics and the importance of informal care:
Page 32,
3rd paragraph, first sentence amended, second sentence deleted

Date of change:
12 May 2010
Revision 004

Schema 6.10: Unpaid care deleted, explanation included

Date of change:
20 May 2010
Revisions 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010

Sections 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13: Please note that we have revised the oncosts estimates to take account of information published in HM Revenue and Customs (2008) PAYE and NICs rates and limits for 2008-2009, for non contracted out staff http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxtables/paye-nics-2008.pdf

  We apologise for any inconvenience these amendments might have caused.