Unit Costs of Health and Social Care

Principal investigator(s):
Jennifer Beecham, Lesley Curtis
Lesley Curtis, Jennifer Beecham, Amanda Burns
Start year:
End year:
Secretary of State for Health

Each year the Unit Costs of Health and Social Care volume has been produced by researchers at the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU). The work has been funded by the Department of Health since 1992 and includes unit costs for hospital services as well as community health care and social care services. We receive some resources for the Department for Education so that unit costs for children’s social care can be included. The volume includes a guest editorial and short articles discussing cost-related issues, as well as section for background information such as national pay scales and inflation indices. Producing this annual volume involves updating existing unit costs and estimating new ones from research reports and routinely collected data. We also develop and put in place new methods to improve some of the unit costs and their component parts. The volume is made available on-line in December each year. We are supported by an Advisory Group that includes representatives from the Department of Health, SCIE, and NICE, as well as some of the foremost academics working in health and social care economics.

The Unit Costs Article Database can be found here: https://www.pssru.ac.uk/ucarticles

The introduction to the Unit Costs Report can be found here: https://www.pssru.ac.uk/pub/uc/uc2021/Intro.pdf
