Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2011

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Compiled by Lesley Curtis

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The PSSRU retains the copyright in the Unit Costs series. They may be freely distributed as pdf files and on paper, but quotations must be acknowledged and permission for use of longer excerpts must be obtained in advance. Please acknowledge Unit Costs of Health and Social Care as the source when using costs estimates and information from these reports.

Please note that when citing the report, the following format should be used:

Curtis, L. (2011) Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2011, Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent, Canterbury.


If you are aware of other sources of information which can be used to improve our estimates, notice errors
or have any other comments, please contact Lesley Curtis telephone 01227 827193.


The following tables have been corrected: 2.8, 10.6, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9.

Lesley Curtis

The cost of extra care housing
Theresia Bäumker and Ann Netten

Shared Lives – model for care and support
John Dickinson

Calculating the cost and capacity implications for local authorities implementing the Laming (2009) recommendations
Lisa Holmes

I Services – download

1. Services for older people
2. Services for people with mental health problems
3. Services for people who misuse drugs/alcohol
4. Services for people with learning disabilities
5. Services for younger adults with physical and sensory impairments
6. Services for children and their families
7. Hospital and other services
8. Care packages

II Community-based health care staff – download

9. Scientific and professional
10. Nurses and doctors

III Community-based social care – download

11. Social care staff
12. Health and social care teams

IV Hospital-based health care staff – download

13. Scientific and professional
14. Nurses
15. Doctors

V Sources of information – download

16. Inflation indices
17. NHS staff earnings
18. Glossary
19. References
20. Index of references
21. List of useful sources
22. List of items from previous volumes not included in this volume