Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2005

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Compiled by Lesley Curtis and Ann Netten

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The PSSRU retains the copyright in the Unit Costs series. They may be freely distributed as pdf files and on paper, but quotations must be acknowledged and permission for use of longer excerpts must be obtained in advance. Please acknowledge Unit Costs of Health and Social Care as the source when using costs estimates and information from these reports.

Please note that when citing the report, the following format should be used:

Curtis, L. & Netten, A. (2005) Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2005, Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent, Canterbury.


This is the thirteenth volume in a series of reports from a Department of Health-funded programme of work based at the Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Kent. The aim is to improve unit cost estimates over time, drawing on material as it becomes available, including ongoing and specially commissioned research.

The costs reported always reflect, to a greater or lesser degree, work in progress, as the intention is to refine and improve estimates wherever possible, drawing on a wide variety of sources. The aim is to provide as detailed and comprehensive information as possible, quoting sources and assumptions so users can adapt the information for their own purposes. Brief articles are included to provide background to user services, descriptions of cost methodology or use of cost estimates.

The editorial identifies the new developments in estimates included and key current issues in the estimation of costs and use of the information provided in this report.

In addition, this report relies on a large number of individuals who have provided direct input in the form of data, permission to use material and background information and advice. Thanks are due to Dennis Atkinson, Candida Ballantyne, Barbara Barrett, Nick Brawn, Frank Brown, Jennifer Beecham, Sarah Byford, Keith Childs, Mark Dunn, Robert Eaglesham, Usama Edoo, Andrew Fenyo, Richard Hughes and Jennifer Heigham. Thanks also to Glen Harrison, Nick Janvier, Karen Jones, Bernard Horan, David Lloyd, Andrew Matthewman, Ruth Moemken, Hemal Peiris, Jeremy Pickard, Tony Rees, Stephen Richards, Richard Robinson, Elisabeth Scott, Bulwinder Singh, Barbara Sleator, Mary Stewart, Marian Taylor, Jill Tidmarsh, David Wall, Helen Weatherly, Philip Witcherley and Raphael Wittenberg.

If you are aware of other sources of information which can be used to improve our estimates, notice errors or have any other comments, please contact Lesley Curtis, telephone 01227 827193.

Many figures in this report have been rounded and therefore occasionally it may appear that the totals do not add up.



This electronic version is updated if errors are discovered. A log of these corrections can be found here.

In revision number 002 we adjusted the unit costs given to reflect key policy changes which came into effect in April 2004 regarding superannuation payments for NHS staff and subsequent increases to the rate employers’ contribute to superannuation. This rate is now 14%.

We have also updated the rate local authority employers contribute to superannuation.  This varies among local authorities but initial enquiries suggest that 14% would be appropriate.  This rate may be revised again for next year’s edition following a more in-depth survey.

This affects all schemata in sections 7 to 14 inclusive, with the exception of 9.8a, 9.8b and 9.9b.

We apologise for any inconvenience this error may have caused.

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of the whole volume, using the bookmarks or the live table of contents pages and indexes.

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Adapting and adjusting unit cost information
Ann Netten and Lesley Curtis

The cost of providing home care
Karen Jones

The costs of recuperative care housing
Lesley Curtis

Personal Social Services Pay and Prices Index
Jennifer Heigham

Typical costs of Sure Start Local Programme services
Jill Tidmarsh and Justine Schneider


For a detailed list of services covered in these sections, see the contents pages or the index
of services

I Services

1. Services for older people
2. Services for people with mental health problems
3. Services for people who misuse drugs/alcohol
4. Services for people with learning disabilities
5. Services for disabled people
6. Services for children and their families
7. Hospital and other services

II Community-based health care staff

8. Professionals allied to medicine
9. Nurses and doctors

III Community-based social care staff

10. Social care staff
11. Health and social care teams

IV Hospital-based health care staff

12. Professionals allied to medicine
13. Nurses
14. Doctors

V Miscellaneous

Inflation indices
Index of references
Index of services