
User SCRQoL Domain Definition
Control over daily life The service user can choose what to do and when to do it, having control over his/her daily life and activities
Personal cleanliness and comfort The service user feels he/she is personally clean and comfortable and looks presentable or, at best, is dressed and groomed in a way that reflects his/her personal preferences
Food and drink The service user feels he/she has a nutritious, varied and culturally appropriate diet with enough food and drink he/she enjoys at regular and timely intervals
Personal safety The service user feels safe and secure. This means being free from fear of abuse, falling or other physical harm and fear of being attacked or robbed
Social participation and involvement The service user is content with their social situation, where social situation is taken to mean the sustenance of meaningful relationships with friends and family, and feeling involved or part of a community, should this be important to the service user
Occupation The service user is sufficiently occupied in a range of meaningful activities whether it be formal employment, unpaid work, caring for others or leisure activities
Accommodation cleanliness and comfort The service user feels their home environment, including all the rooms, is clean and comfortable
Dignity The negative and positive psychological impact of support and care on the service user’s personal sense of significance


Carer SCRQoL Domain Definition
Occupation The carer is sufficiently occupied in a range of meaningful and enjoyable activities whether it be formal employment, unpaid work, caring for others or leisure activities
Control over daily life The carer can choose what to do and when to do it, having control over his/her daily activities
Self-care The carer feels that s/he is able to look after him/herself, in terms of eating well and getting enough sleep
Personal safety The carer feels safe and secure, where concerns about safety include fear of abuse, physical harm or accidents that may arise as a result of caring
Social participation and involvement The carer is content with their social situation, where social situation is taken to mean the sustenance of meaningful relationships with friends and family, and feeling involved or part of a community, should this be important to the carer
Space and time to be yourself The carer feels that s/he has enough space and time in everyday life to be him/herself away from the caring role and the responsibilities of caregiving
Feeling encouraged and supported The carer feels encouraged and supported by professionals, care workers and others, in their role as a carer

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