December 9, 2019
While on research leave from RMIT University in Melbourne, Prof Sara Charlesworth has spent time at the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Kent. Her visit was hosted by PSSRU Co-Director, Prof Shereen Hussein, who also hosted a seminar by Sara on emerging findings from her Decent Work Good Care project. Sara’s presentation, entitled ‘Homecare work in Australia & New Zealand: Time autonomy & time to care’, looked at the ways in which the different home care systems in the two countries and the organisation of work at the provider level shape the autonomy workers have over their own working time and the control they have over the time allocated to care for clients. Sara is a member of the Advisory Committee on a new PSSRU project Developing a scale of work-related wellbeing at work for adult social care staff (ASCOT-STAFF): Phase One led by Shereen. While at the PSSRU, Sara also met with Shereen and the research team working on the ASCOT-STAFF project to discuss the progress of the project.