Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2017
Please note, you are not viewing the most recent edition of the UCHSC. Please view the latest version here.
Compiled by Lesley Curtis and Amanda Burns
or download sections
Lesley Curtis
Estimating medication costs for economic evaluation
Anita Patel, Margaret Heslin and Oluwagbemisola Babalola
Health care costs in the English NHS: reference tables for average annual NHS spend by age, sex and deprivation group
Results table
Miqdad Asaria
A survey of English dental practices with costs in mind
Lesley Curtis
Section 5 – Additional information included on : 21 Time use of community care professionals
The PSSRU retains the copyright in the Unit Costs series. They may be freely distributed as pdf files and on paper, but quotations must be acknowledged and permission for use of longer excerpts must be obtained in advance. Please acknowledge Unit Costs of Health and Social Care as the source when using costs estimates and information from these reports.
Please note that when citing the report, the following format should be used:
Curtis, L. & Burns, A. (2017) Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2017, Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent, Canterbury.
If you are aware of other sources of information which can be used to improve our estimates, notice errors or have any other comments, please contact Lesley Curtis.
I Services – download
- Services for older people
- Services for people with mental health problems
- Services for people who misuse drugs or alcohol
- Services for people requiring learning disability support
- Services for adults requiring physical support
- Services for children and their families
- Hospital and related services
- Care packages
II Community-based health care staff – download
- Scientific and professional [Excel version of table 9]
- Nurses, doctors and dentists [Excel version of table 10.1]
III Community-based social care staff- download
- Social care staff
- Health and social care teams
IV Hospital-based health care staff – download
- Hospital-based scientific and professional staff [Excel version of table 13]
- Hospital-based nurses [Excel version of table 14]
- Hospital-based doctors [Excel version of table 15]
V Sources of information – download
- Inflation indices
- NHS staff earning estimates
- Examples of roles in each Agenda for Change band
- Training costs of health and social care professionals
- Care home fees
- Time use of community care professionals
- Glossary
- References
- Index of references
- List of useful websites
- List of items from previous volumes